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Funny slogans for healthy children

May 11th, it's going to be a crazy first day of school. A back-to-school period that's gonna go boom, woosh, splash!

 A back-to-school day when kids will want to kiss their friends, slap their best enemies and trip their worst friends' feet. Give each other checks, kisses and all kinds of hugs. We're going to give our kids a good briefing, the teachers too, but is that going to be enough? At Caramel & cie we have concocted some funny slogans for healthy children. A funny way to help us remember the barrier gestures with little rhymes to learn and share to tell our friends that we can touch each other without touching each other, love each other without messing around. Because we learn better by having fun!

À mort (de rire) le virus
Even if things get better, we must stay vigilant regarding the pandemic. So we've designed a few fun and practical ways to help your children learn to respect barrier gestures more easily, while keeping a positive spirit and looking forward to a brighter future.


It's to be learned while having fun or to be made with your hands.
It's to be shared from afar, with your friends.
To prepare a deconfinement full of glitter.
To make this May back-to-school a celebration.