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Tips for preparing and lightening your child's bag every day

Every day, children carry school bags filled with books, notebooks, and other school supplies. A poorly organized or too heavy bag can have harmful effects on their health and posture. Here are our practical tips for parents to help lighten and efficiently organize their child's school bag.

Choosing the Right School Bag

Choosing the right bag is the first crucial step to ensuring your child's comfort and health. The school bag should be lightweight, with dimensions appropriate for your child's size. It should also be flexible, with a padded back and straps to protect the student's shoulders and back. Whether it's a backpack or a school bag, it's important that it is worn high on the back to ensure better posture. This is a matter of well-being, especially for growing children.

Avoid rolling bags, which can cause body rotation and imbalance, and shoulder bags that distribute weight unevenly. A compartmentalized school bag is recommended for proper weight distribution.

At Caramel & cie, we offer a range of school bags that meet all these criteria, combining comfort, style, and functionality.

How to Organize for a Lighter School Bag?

An efficiently organized school bag is more comfortable to carry and helps prevent back pain. Here are some tips to ensure your child's bag is not overloaded:

  1. Avoid the superfluous: Your child should only carry what is necessary according to their schedule. Teach your child to empty their bag the night before and fill it only with the required items for the next day. Creating a checklist at the beginning of the year based on their schedule can be very useful.

  2. Strategic placement: Place heavy items closest to the back to ensure better weight distribution. The pencil case and planner should be placed in the front part of the bag. This helps maintain balance and reduce strain on your child's back and shoulders.

  3. Utilize existing solutions: Some schools provide lockers where students can store their books and supplies, reducing the load to carry. Similarly, some local authorities provide duplicate textbooks, allowing students to keep one copy at school and one at home.

  4. Communicate with the school staff: Discussing with teachers can lead to solutions such as sharing books between students or storing textbooks in the classroom. These measures can significantly reduce the bag's weight.

Physical Activities and Exercises

Physical exercise helps prevent musculoskeletal disorders related to carrying a heavy backpack. Sedentary behavior is the enemy of our backs at any age. It's important to encourage children to engage in regular physical activity. This will strengthen their back muscles and prevent pain associated with carrying a school bag. Activities like swimming or yoga are particularly beneficial, helping to prevent back pain and promoting better overall posture.

Regularly incorporating physical exercises into your child's routine can have a lasting positive impact on their physical health.