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5 Tips to choose the right schoolbag for your child

It is not always easy to choose the perfect schoolbag for your child: you must please your dearest child, satisfy the requirements of schools and protect the growing backs of our little angels.

Fortunately, at Caramel & Cie, we know what we're talking about and are the kind of people who share the right tips!

1.     Resistant

They're going to have a lot of adventures with these school bags! Our little angels will make them see all kinds of things and that's all the evil we wish them.

The seams must be strong, the outer bottoms reinforced and the materials resistant. A little tip: if it stands alone, it's a good start.

2.     Lightweight

Don't get me wrong: a solid school bag can also be light! Empty, it must not exceed 1.2 kg because you will fill it up well. Always be careful not to overload your children. A little tip: filled, it must not exceed 10% of your child's weight. Beyond that, help him!

3.     Comfortable

A well-made school bag must respect your child's back and shoulders. Choose a school bag with padded and honeycombed straps (so anti-perspirant). For primary school, it is preferred that this padding also extends to the back, as the load will be heavier.

A good support (wide, adjustable and padded straps) helps to cushion the impact of the schoolbag on the back and preserves the good posture of our children, who are growing up.

4.     Convenient

We like to have several pockets to organize our things and, at the same time, our minds.

Choose a waterproof schoolbag both inside and out: it will stay pretty longer, and you won't have to worry about applesauce explosions anymore!

5.     Character!

Allow your child to assert his or her personality and uniqueness through a schoolbag with an original graphic design. It's so much easier to find your things when they don't look like everyone else's, and your child has no equal, does he?


If you are looking for a schoolbag that combines all these valuable features, then take a look at If you want to see, touch, smell them... find the nearest partner store in our list of points of sale.